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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 229
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-107 (13 April 1982)

Unusual degradation reaction of icosahedral cluster compounds of gold with chelating diphosphanes and the X-ray structure of dis(dephenylphosphino)methanido-digold(I), {Au(Ph2P)2CH}2
Pages C5-C8
Olive E. Briant, Kevin P. Hall, D. Michael P. Mingos
Trifluoromethylgermylmercury derivatives
Pages C1-C4
M. N. Bochkarev, N. L. Ermolaev, G. A Razuvaev, Yu. K. Grishin and, Yu. A. Ustynyuk
Synthese de cations [η5-cyclopentadienyl fer-η6-arene]+ comportant une fonction oxime en α du ligande arene
Pages C13-C17
C. Moinet, E. Raoult
Synthesis and structural characterization of tetra-μ3-carbonylhexacarbonyltris[bis(diphenylphosphino)methane]-hexarhodium
Pages C9-C12
A. Ceriotti, G. Ciani, L. Garlaschelli, U. Sartorelli, A. Sironi
Organometallic derivatives of the transition metals : VIII. Bonding and molecular motions in silyl transition metal complexes studied by 29Si NMR
Pages 1-9
Keith H. Pannell, Alan R. Bassindale
Reactions of aryl halides with triethylgermyl anions
Pages 11-20
Kunio Mochida, Naoki Matsushige
Photolysis of isopropyltricyclopentadienyluranium(IV): homolysis rather than β-hydride elimination
Pages 21-28
M. Burton, H. Marquet-Ellis, G. Folcher, C. Giannotti
Gehinderte ligandenbewegungen in übergangsmetallkomplexen : XV. Das dynamische verhalten von tetracarbonyl-η-dien-chrom(O)-komplexen
Pages 29-42
Michael Kotzian, Cornelius G. Kreiter, S. Özkar
A voltammetric study of the metal—ligand interaction in bis(arene)chromium(I) complexes
Pages 43-47
Naoyuki Ito, Tetsuo Saji, Kosaku Suga, Shigeru Aoyagui
Synthese und koordinationsverhalten ambidenter chelatliganden : III. Kristall-und molekülstrukturen der carbonyl-mangan(I)-komplexe fac-[MnBr(CO)3 {Ph2PC(S)NPhH}] und [Mn{S(NPh)CPPh2}(CO)4]. Neutrale phosphinothioformamide und deren deprotonierte, anionische derivate als S,P-chelatliganden
Pages 49-61
Berthold Just, Winfried Klein, Jürgen Kopf, Klaus Günter Steinhäuser, Reinhard Kramolowsky
Cyclopropene als komplexliganden. Die bildung neuartiger liganden bei der umsetzung von diphenylcyclopropenthion mit Fe2(CO)9. Die kristallstrukturen eines carben-komplexes mit einem Fe3S2-cluster, C3Ph2Fe3S2(CO)8, und einer dithiodiketon-vierbindung C6Ph4S2Fe2(CO)6
Pages 63-75
Gerd Dettlaf, Peter Hübener, Jörg Klimes, Erwin Weiss
Asymmetric hydrogenations catalysed by diphosphinite rhodium complexes derived from natural tartaric acid
Pages 77-84
Jean Bourson, Laureano Oliveros
Neuartiger zugang zu tetramethylcyclobutadien-nickel(II)-komplexen
Pages 85-91
H. Hoberg, H. J. Riegel
Hydrocarbo alkoxylation of N-vinylphthalimide catalyzed by palladium complexes
Pages 93-100
G. Cavinato, L. Toniolo, C. Botteghi and, S. Gladiali
New nickel(II), palladium(II) and palladium(o) derivatives of p-diethynylbenzene
Pages 101-107
L. Ballester, M. Cano, A. Santos

Issue 2, Pages 109-202 (20 April 1982)

Komplexkatalyse : XII. Nitrido-molybdän(VI)-Komplexe; ein neuer Typ von Hochaktiven Präkatalysatoren für die Olefinmetathese
Pages C19-C23
Karl Seyferth, Rudolf Taube
UV photoelectron spectra of some organometallic carbonyl osmium clusters
Pages C27-C30
Gaetano Granozzi, Renzo Bertoncello, Silvio Aime and, Domenico Osella
Catalytic hydrogenation of μ-terpinene and 2,3-dihydroasinole by a phenanthrenechromium tricarbonyl complex
Pages C24-C26
Paul Le Maux, Gerard Simonneaux
Catalysis, science and technology : Edited by J.R. Anderson and M. Boudart, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg and New York, 1981, pp. VIII + 309, 58 tables, 107 figures, DM 142.
Page C31
G. J. Leigh
Alkali metal salts of pentaphenylcyclopentadienide
Pages 109-112
Rongben Zhang, Minoru Tsutsui, David E. Bergbreiter
Electron-donation by methylpolysilanyl groups: σ+ constants from 13C NMR spectroscopy
Pages 113-118
Lawrence F. Brough, Robert West
Etude structurale de composes organosilicies par diffusion rayleigh depolarisee : IV. Ethers-oxydes, derives silicies oxygenes, tri-, tetra-alkylsilanes et N-silylamines
Pages 119-129
M. Bordeau, E. Frainnet, C. Clement
Darstellung einer molekularen, monomeren thallium(I)-Verbindung mit einem neuen chelatisierenden Liganden
Pages 131-138
M. Veith, R. Rösler
Metall-π-Komplexe von Benzolderivaten : XVII. Bis(η-aren)chrom(d5, d6, d7)-Komplexe des Trimethylsilylbenzols, 1,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)benzols und 1,3,5-tris(trimethylsilyl)benzols
Pages 139-158
Ch. Elschenbroich, J. Koch
Untersuchungen zum elektronischen einfluss von organylliganden III. 1J(M---C) kopplungskonstanten unsymmetrisch und symmetrisch substituierter zinn- und bleiorganylverbindungen und ihre beziehung zum s-charakter der metallhybridorbitale
Pages 159-168
Dirk Steinborn, Rudolf Taube, Reiner Radeglia
Übergangsmetall—carbin-komplexe : LXVI. Cyclopropylcarben-und-carbinkomplexe von chrom und wolfram sowie synthese und röntgestrukturanalyse eines neuartigen carbinkomplextyps: trans-(μ-Bromo-pentacarbonylchrom)-tetracarbonyl(cyclopropylcarbin)chrom
Pages 169-177
Ernst Otto Fischer, Ngoc Hoa Tran-Huy, Dietmar Neugebauer
Organoactinide electrochemistry. A cyclic voltammetric and coulometric study of (C5Me5)2UCl2, [(C5Me5)2UCl2· THF]−√Na+, (C5Me5)2UCl · THF and (C5Me5ThCl2
Pages 179-184
Richard G. Finke, Glen Gaughan, Richard Voegeli
Reaction of metal carbonyl hydrides with decacarbonyldimanganese (Mn2(CO)10): radical reactions initiated by room light
Pages 185-191
Paula L. Bogdan, Andrew Wong, Jim D. Atwood
Synthesis of metal-tetraazadiene complexes via Ar2N4 ligand transfer. Evidence for a stable tetraazadiene-bridged intermediate
Pages 193-202
Peter Overbosch, Gerard Van Koten

Issue 3, Pages 203-304 (27 April 1982)

Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, Volume 19 : Edited by F.G.A. Stone and R. West, Academic Press, New York, 1981, ix + 318 pages, $54.50
Page C39
Michael F. Lappert
Coordination Chemistry Reviews, Vol. 37 : Ed. by C.D. Garner and K.R. Seddon, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1981, 339 pages, Dfl. 223.00, approx. US$89.20
Page C37
Michael F. Lappert
Catalysis and Chemical Processes : Ed. by R. Pearce and W.R. Patterson, Leonard Hill, London, 1981, xix + 348 pages, £25
Pages C37-C39
Michael F. Lappert
Synthese und reaktivität von dienylmetall-verbindungen : III. Phosphinigsäureimide als liganden in cyclopentadienylnickelkomplexen
Pages C33-C36
N. Kuhn, M. Winter
Etude structurale de composes organosilicies par diffusion rayleigh depolarisee : V. Proprietes acceptrices d'electrons du silicium dans les systemes Si---O---C et Si---O---Si
Pages 203-214
M. Bordeau
The electron spin resonance spectra and structures of some aluminium derivatives of 3,6-di-t-butyl-1,2-benzoquinone
Pages 215-222
Alwyn G. Davies, Zbigniew Florjanczyk, Ewa Lusztyk, Janusz Lusztyk
Organotin compounds : III. Organotin chlorohydride additions to methyl E-disubstituted propenoates
Pages 223-228
J. C. Podesta, A. B. Chopa
Extended hückel molecular orbital calculations on fused pentagonal bipyramidal metallocarboranes containing wedge ligands such as B---H, Sn, OR Ge
Pages 229-245
Maria J. Calhorda, D. Michael P. Mingos
Cyclische diazastannylene : XIV. Das tetramere eines 1-oxa-2-sila-3-aza-4λ2-stannetidins mit S4-symmetrie
Pages 247-256
M. Veith, M. Grosser
Introduction of optically active triorganogermyl ligands into transition metal complexes. Synthesis of carbene complexes, crystal structure and absolute configuration of cis-S(-)(methylphenyl-1-naphthylgermyl)-(methylethoxycarbene) tetracarbonylmanganese
Pages 257-273
Francis Carré, Geneviève Cerveau, Ernesto Colomer, Robert J. P. Corriu
Komplexkatalyse : XI. Eine einfache synthese für chloro-nitrosyl-carbonyl-molybdän(0)-komplexe als neue hochaktive präkatalysatoren für die olefinmetathese
Pages 275-279
Karl Seyferth, Rudolf Taube
Tetramethylcyclobutadien-palladiumdichlorid durch ligandentransfer aus dem [(CH3)4C4]AlCl3-σ-komplex
Pages 281-285
Heinz Hoberg, Hans Josef Riegel, Klaus Seevogel
Cyclopalladation and cyclorhodation of N-(3-thienyl)pyrazole
Pages 287-292
Matsuo Nonoyama
Arene-rhodium(I) complexes with trimethyltetrafluorobenzobarrelene. Crystal structure of [Rh(Me3TFB)(1,4-C6H4Me2)]ClO4
Pages 293-304
R. Uson, L. A. Oro, C. Foces-Foces, F. H. Cano and, S. Garcia-Blanco, M. Valderrama